Pay Pal integration with Android APP

In this example we will be making a simple Android application which will be integrated with PayPal service, just to show how it is done through PayPal developer sandbox account.

First we will need a new Android project in Android Studio, and then we will to create an PayPal developers account. On the following link is simple step-by-step tutorial how to create the account:

After the creating the account, very important is to see you BUSINESS account for testing, because from there we will need the client_id for receiving payment, and it will look something like this:

Continue reading “Pay Pal integration with Android APP”

Android Dialog with Radio Group and List example

In this example we will be creating a Dialog box for displaying, with some items in List for the user to choose from. The items will be add in a Radio group feature in Android.

We can use this Dialog for what ever reason we like, for example, selecting country from a list, creating dynamic list populated from some Restful API Service, collecting and displaying some personal or user information and much more.

For this example we will be using the Dialog, Radio Group, and List.

Continue reading “Android Dialog with Radio Group and List example”

Two button click example

In this example we are going to do some stuff with two buttons. The trick is clicking them both simultaneously, holding them, and after some time some action to happen. So the scenario goes: Hold the buttons for 1 second and after that make some Toast message for successful notation.

NOTE: We are going to use EventBus for this example.
For those who dont know what it is, here is some useful links:
EventBus by GreenRobot Library

NOTE: We are going to use ButterKnife Library also for binding the Views from the XML, like buttons, text views, edit text etc.
ButterKnife by Jake Wharton Library with examples
Continue reading “Two button click example”